Vastu For Home

An excellent House is an alliance of rooms with precisely defined entry and exit point. Home is our identity.

In this article let us discuss on what vastu is? And how vastu is important to our home?
Now, The meaning of vastu is dwelling, which is the home for god and humans. Vastu shastra depends on different energies that originates from atmosphere like solar energy from sun, cosmic energy, lunar energy, thermal energy, magnetic energy, light energy, wind energy.

These energies can be adjusted to upgrade peace, prosperity and achievements. Vastu is important in such a way that If a house is made according to these principles, the inmates enjoy all the happiness in life and for a well-balanced life.

It’s a fact to say that buildings and even the land on which a building is erected has vibrations of energy associated with it. Some energies are positive (with pleasing effects) while others are negative (having terrible effects) on us. What Vastu does?

Vastu targets to eliminate negative and enhance positive energy present at a place or location so that a person, family or even business inhabiting a building become prosperous and progressive. On the other hand if the building follows principles of vastu then all Divine Powers help and support people’s positive thinking and progressive actions.

So in this article we understand what vastu is and why is it important? Can anyone tell how did Vastu Shastra originate? What’s your take on vastu? What do you want to know about vastu?          

Do write.
In next article we will get to know how each and every place in the house should be placed?
To be continued…..


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Blog written by
Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by
Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement
